I am hard on houseplants, as you may have read already. I can only have those ones that endure neglect and drought with surprising tenacity.
Years ago I took to the curb and planted my first garden. I figured that houseplants are a nature-defying phenomena, so I might actually be able to swing assisted-photosynthesis with a little help from the sun, complex dirt and some ladybugs. Why the curb? Because I lived in a tree house whose yard only had one little patch of full sun.
A modest endeavor, 4’ x 4’ raised bed made out of the boards from my old cinderblock and board book case. my little green childrenUnfortunately, I had to leave this 16-square foot marvel back in Austin. I live in Brooklyn now. The garden just wouldn’t fit in the moving-minivan.
So, I’ve moved this operation to the stoop. Container gardening is still somewhat mysterious to me, a series of microcosms keeping on every day, just like me. Leeks and their squash invader I have no idea how the squash (yellow blossoms) appeared in my leek container. A happy mystery that might actually fruit.
Planting from seeds (as opposed to buying plant starts—plants that someone else started from seed) is not only efficient, but also adds that elementary-school science project charm to the process. You get to birth little plantlings, from the time their little heads pop from the soil to the time you yank them out of their loamy homes and take that first bite. Seeding is easy and cheaper, just follow the directions on their envelope (or ask the farmer at the market where you bought them how to cultivate them.)
There’s just something so exciting about plucking basil from the plant that I seeded myself. I grew it; I managed to keep it alive long enough to eat it. Wow. My first shot at contained lettuceLettuce is one of those things that you keep seeding all summer. I’ll probably need to spread these out as they get bigger (and put them in a deeper pot to accommodate their veiny root systems.) The edamame below started out as shriveled up soy beans from a $1 packet.
the pods are out, hooray!I do occasionally buy starts, mostly from actual farmers at a farmers’ market, and usually only if I’ve missed the window for seeding them myself.
Plants and garden-related stuff can be super stressful or joyously experimental. I’m a believer in the latter. You don’t need to read (and completely understand) everything there is to know about beneficial bugs, soil biodiversity and aphid management BEFORE you try it out. People don’t expect to know everything about raising kids BEFORE the 9-month holding period, so give yourself a break with the plant scene. Learn as you go.
Plant some seeds and see what happens.
Here are a few basic things to keep in mind:
Tell me how it goes for you!