Homemade infusions in amber jars: Fillmore Container giveaway
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 7:00AM
Kate in Alcohol, Creative Gifts, Food Preservation, Giveaways

I’m so excited about kicking off a series of fall giveaways with another great prize package from Fillmore Container

The season of homemade holiday gifts is officially upon us; happy November all.

I love making liqueurs, extracts (think vanilla extract), bitters, and tinctures as gifts for friends and family. They bring homemade love and delicious flavors into baked goods, cocktails and beverages. They’re flexible surrounding your procrastination level since even if you run out of time to fully infuse the project yourself, gifting mid-infusion is a perfectly acceptable and even fun (for the recipient) gift to give.

Infusions and extracts should be stored in jars like these because they’re specially designed to block out UV rays which damage the volatile oils that make these infusions tasty and shorten their shelf life. The lids on these jars are made of an oil-resistant plastic and form a tight seal to keep flavors in the jar. Learn more about the amber jars by checking out this post on Fillmore Container’s website.

I find the 4- and 8-oz jar sizes are my favorite sizes for gift giving, and the 1-oz jars are perfect for stretching batches of precious bitters (or anything used in smaller quantities) amongst friends. The 16- and 32-oz sizes are perfect for any kombucha makers on your list, who need a stash of good quality tight-sealing jars as they cycle their batch of fizzy fermented tea every two weeks. 

A case of these jars is a major gift in itself to anyone who likes to infuse stuff, all the mad scientists on your list. This gift of jars from Fillmore Container raised the bar on my homemade infusion storage capabilities by leaps and bounds. My new jars totally beat my motley collection of re-use bottles (all clear glass) and odd corks from liquor or other bottles. I look forward to infusing delicate flavors properly in future batches!

I like to write directly on my jars with a silver Sharpie so I can easily change the contents of the jars as we use them up. Erasing these labels involves a few swipes with rubbing alcohol. You can certainly make sticker labels and then use orange oil to remove the sticky residue when you want to change them out, but I like the ease of Sharpie’ing. You can also skip writing on the jar itself and make gift tags as labels.

Fillmore Container will ship one lucky winner a case of 12 amber jars and their matching lids, plus a great stainless-steel funnel. Winner may mix and match jar sizes. Please enter this giveaway by using the rafflecopter link below.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosures: Fillmore Container provided me with a complimentary case of assorted sizes of amber jars and they will be mailing the winner’s case of jars directly to them. Fillmore Container is a paid advertiser on this blog, but opinions and support for these products are my own.

Article originally appeared on Get hip to your home, kitchen and garden with Kate Payne (http://hipgirls.squarespace.com/).
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