Making pies
Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 7:00AM
Kate in Baking, Gluten-Free, Gluten-Free Desserts, Self-Care

I’ve baked pies alongside much of my financial journey over the past two years. You’ll perhaps recall my first steps into a patched together living, then my lattice-woven updates along the way (including my gluten-free crust recipe).

Well, this pie has nothing to do with money and its ebbs and flows. It’s for my brother, a poet, educator and play director. A tender soul who battles depression and last weekend took a turn for the worse. Helpless and clueless as to his experience, I needed something tangible to do, an action to take. I took a cue from Patty’s song, I’m making pies.

Since he’s far away and can’t eat this pie, I sent my favorite books of poems in hopes he can find a few bites in there. He’s in good care and friends report there’s fire in his eyes again. My rolling pin prayers through cinching and pinching and dough-covered hands, let him emerge from this strong and powerful, a giver and helper of others.

Article originally appeared on Get hip to your home, kitchen and garden with Kate Payne (
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