It's Pi day!
Friday, March 14, 2014 at 7:00AM
Kate in Baking, Garden & Outdoors, Gluten-Free, Gluten-Free Desserts

I love math. I love that Pi*R’squared equals the area of a circle (pie is circular). I love that I still know that formula and that Pi*D equals the circumference of said pie, or any other circular object.

It’s also #SXSW—colloquially named ‘South by’ here in Austin, Texas—and someone put a portion of Pi (3.14159265359…) up in the air yesterday evening. 

Pi kept happening in the sky, even after a venue change

It does go on forever, but apparently our friends ran out of steam. I hope your day includes something circular and that you enjoy the area of said circular object.

Article originally appeared on Get hip to your home, kitchen and garden with Kate Payne (
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