Ball canning lids
Monday, August 25, 2014 at 9:01AM
Kate in Canning, Canning Basics, Small-Batch Canning

A friend recently brought to my attention that the protocols for using Jarden (Ball & Kerr) brand canning lids have changed.

This post from Living Homegrown details some research into the matter. And, in fact, the slightly confusing directive addendum exists at the bottom of the page here on Ball’s website. I’ve been using the new generation lids for the past year and haven’t had any seal failures with USDA-recommended lid simmer rules.

L to R: Old lid (no mention of USA made); new generation lid and new packaging

My advice moving forward: Bring new generation lids to a near simmer, turn it off and let sit in the water until you are ready to use them. 

Article originally appeared on Get hip to your home, kitchen and garden with Kate Payne (
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