Skin Cleanse: Book Giveaway
Friday, February 27, 2015 at 7:00AM
Kate in Giveaways, Healthy Living, Inspiration, Self-Care

I’m really excited to share with you Adina Grigore’s new book, Skin Cleanse!

Now, I’m really not a products kind of person and make up and I have a very fleeting relationship, in that when I remember to wear it, it’s lipstick (red). Even mascara seems like too much to bother with more than a few times a year. I had an extensive skin care routine in high school and college, but since then I’ve floated around with products based on Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep assessment of toxins in our cosmetics and skin care products. I’ve been scolded for washing my face with my Dr. Bronner’s castile soap (too drying), for not using enough products (what, no toner ever, no moisturizer at times, how has your face not fallen off?!?!) I’ve been really stuck lately with trying to find something that’s not full of chemicals (that will slowly seep into my body via my skin) and liking what I end up with.

I know this isn’t a review of S.W. Basics’ line of products that you can purchase, but in giving them a whirl, for the first time I realized that I might actually be into making my own skin care needs from simple ingredients I have in my kitchen. As some of you might recall the great deodorant search I discussed at length here, wherein I finally found a deodorant concoction that I could make myself, that was effective and didn’t stain my clothes; this is about as far into the DIY beauty aisle I’ve stepped. I’ve been using the cleanser, toner and makeup remover (which doubles as a moisturizer!) on an almost daily basis (I still sometimes forget!) and I’m revolutionized by putting things like rosewater, glycerin, apple cider vinegar, and olive oil on my face. I feel like I’m feeding my face with all the best things I can muster. What a fun feeling to bring to an otherwise mundane task.

Well, Adina coaxed me off the DIY fence with this charming and friendly guide. She helps readers through the lifestyle change that is taking good care of your skin, which effectively (and literally) seeps into the rest of your body, seeing as your skin is your largest organ. Her advice is poignant and relevant and easy to adopt in small steps. In the same vein of my own non-judgmental approach, she will not make you feel bad about yourself for where you’re at now!

There are a number of things I love about this book, let me rattle a few of them off here. I love how she shares with you how to fix recurring skin issues by tackling the core of the matter, what you eat and some broader lifestyle choices. I love that she talks about who’s really in charge of/policing what goes into mainstream and green-washed beauty products (the manufacturers and chemical companies) and that no one is really making sure these products are truly safe for us to slather all over ourselves daily. I love that all the recipes she shares for making skin nourishing things of your own have 2-3 ingredients tops and most are either already in your kitchen or can be found at your local health food store. And lastly, I love the great illustrations and friendly feel of the book (eat like your great grandma!).

HarperCollins has kindly offered up a copy to one of my lucky readers. To enter, please use the widget below, and as a reminder HarperCollins has requested that all entrants please live anywhere in the US for shipping purposes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosures: I received a complimentary copy of the book and the products shown above; the giveaway recipient’s copy is complementary from HarperCollins. The book link in the above post magically deposits a tiny pittance in my bank account each month if you buy the book using that link.

Article originally appeared on Get hip to your home, kitchen and garden with Kate Payne (
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