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February Charmalade Giveaway

The time has come!

Want this evening-attire, unapologetic treat in the mail? Well, enter the February contest.

Remember how it works? I didn’t think so.

Here’s a refresher:

1. I make treats. I make blog post about treats and current month’s deluxe, quarter-pint giveaway.

2. You clicky clicky on the Contact Kate link on the right-hand tool bar of any page of HGGH site. Please only use the web contact form (so all entries appear in one place.) And please enter “[current month] Entry” in the subject box.

3. The email you send me will be catalogued with a number (in the order received) and one of my writing workshop kid participants will be asked to select a number between 1 and [number of entries]. Capeesh? Capeesh.

4. Until I win the lottery or hit the NY Times Bestseller list, I must restrict entrants to US residents only. Sorry for getting your hopes up across the ocean.

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