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shoestrings and heartstrings

So, first books are not notorious for being big money makers for authors, especially these days.

As I’m plotting my first book from an artistic perspective—this will be a Harper Design book, after all—I realized there’s not much money to go ‘all out’. So, like my home projects, I’m forced to get crafty. I think we can still swing the elaborately simple vision swirling around my brain. I’m tickled to announce that the book will be completely illustrated, featuring many images courtesy of the ever-so-lovely-and-talented Agent Meredith! Together we’re translating vision to galley prints, with a little help from friends…

Agent Meredith has a friend-illustrator/graphic designer on hand who’s ready to roll.

There’ll also be a handwritten component to the design, and I’m not consistent enough (nor do I have the time, beyond writing the whole book) to do it myself. I spent the better part of yesterday wracking my brain, wonder wonder wonder…WHOSE handwriting do I adore?

Well, hell. Why, all I had to do was look to my special box filled with special prizes. My calligraphy-star pal, Alison Hanks, steals my heart every few weeks/months with all her different handwriting styles and her exuberantly creative posts. I immediately called her up with offers of jams and jellies and sweet treats in exchange for some of her precious penmanship. Turns out Alison is excited about taking a stab at creating a Hip Girl’s handwritten style. Hooray!

Alison is also chums with Harriet Russell, aka the illustrator whose website I drool over on a regular basis. Maybe HarperCollins will commission Harriet to design my book cover?! Now, wouldn’t that be plumb divine.

Oh, snap!

One day, Alison, Harriet and I will sip tea on some hazy English green; we’ll probably discuss just how much there is to draw in the world, what great jobs we have, and how pretty things really are. (just putting it out there)

Reader Comments (6)

you go girl!

March 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertigress

it never hurts to put it out there right?! :)

March 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterKate

Oh I just bought that Silver Spoon for kids cookbook and I LOVE it, especially for the illustrations. That would be such a perfect match!

March 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAdriana

Adriana, I noticed the book on your blog the other night and was just going to comment you about it!! I loooove her work; I'm interested in leafing through the book, too. Most of the time I feel like I should stick with kids cookbooks anyway :)

March 10, 2010 | Registered CommenterKate

You might enjoy this amazing blog from an artist/teacher in LA. She creates the most incredible collages/mail art pieces I've ever seen. She is also a great photographer - and uses her photographs as starting points for her art.

I've really enjoyed reading your blog and will spend more time here soon. I'm considering starting a food swap in the denver, CO area; you have one listed in Colorado Springs, just down the road, but it is a little too far for me with gas prices right now.

I had a blog for a couple of years, but took it down about 6 months ago because it was infected with a nasty troll who just would not go away. I blogged quite a lot about politics at that time and he had nothing but contempt for anything I wrote that was politically related. Anyway, it is back up and has a couple of pictures of a new rescue dog.


March 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDecorina

Well, duh, I forgot to include the blog address for the amazing collage work... Try it, I think you will like it.

March 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDecorina

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