Joys of Linda Ziedrich
I’m so pleased to announce a giveaway made possible by one of my readers.
Here’s the scoop:
Deadline for entries is May 14, 2010. Enter by leaving a comment below telling me:
1. Which one you’d like to win
2. What has helped you most in learning about canning and preserving, or why you want to start doing it
Two winners, one for each book, will be randomly selected. You must enter your email address when registering to leave a comment, or I won’t be able to contact you if you win. Good luck to everyone! These books changed my canning and preserving life, and I hope they will inspire you into great spreads and pickles, or better, a new confidence in your own home preserving.

Thanks to everyone who entered! I wish everyone could win (but I’m going to have to be a talk show host before I can swing that type of thing.)
Congratulations to Sara and Karen on the newest additions to their preservers’ library!

Reader Comments (40)
Jams & Jellies for me, please! We all know I'm anti-pickle. :)
I have to say, while I've moved away from following the Ball Book's recipes exactly, it was an extremely helpful resource for a newbie canner, and I still page through it nearly every time I'm searching for inspiration on a certain ingredient. Definitely a must-have in every canner's arsenal, IMO.
I have never canned in my life but have very fond memories of receiving watermelon pickles, strawberry rhubarb jelly, applesauce, and pickled asparagus from my grandma every year. We would store them in a little pantry in our basement and I would always be over the moon when my mom would instruct me to go downstairs to get a new jar of applesauce!!!!!!
I have resolved this is the year I begin my canning quest. I am helping my mother in law plant her garden this year and making sure to include tons of green beans to pickle, lots of rhubarb and STRAWBERRIES!!!!!!
It's hard for me to decide which book would be more of a thrill to win, but I'll go with the jams and jellies! That's where I'll get my start!!!!!
Jams & Jellies please!
I wanted to learn how to can so I could make my own jams, jellies, etc for myself as well as to give away as gifts. Plus I have an apple tree that I'd like to not go to waste :)
Pickling please! I've got Jams & Jellies and love it. Pickling's on my Amazon Wish List, so . . . fingers crossed that the Randomizer will smile on me. Thanks for another great giveaway.
Pickles, because I know so much less about salt & vinegar than sugar. My biggest help? Probably friends & family who try out my successes and disasters, give me feedback... and return the jars!
Jams and jellies, please! I am very sad t o say I do not yet own this, and I want it soo badly, and could you tell the randomizer that my birthday is in just two weeks, and it would really be cool if I got that for my birthday???
What has helped me most in my canning life? In starting out, it was probably the Joy of Cooking's section on canning. That, and the knowledge that I needed lots of fruit and that somehow I had to save it so I could have it all the time. I'm a fruit hoarder.
I'd choose the pickling one. Mu husband and I live on a farm with an orchard and I have dabbled in the jams and jellies but would like to do more with the vegetables in the garden....especially when we get a surplus :)
Jams and Jellies, please! This is the year my 4 year old grandsn and i will be making jam for the first time!
i would love the jams & jellies because i already have he pickling book--she's a genius!
i think the thing that's helped me most is just plain ol' trial and error. and the can jam challenge!
I already have the pickling book, so I'd love the jellies and preserves. I am inspired to can by memories of my grandmother's raspberry, boysenberry, marionberry etc jams!
Oooo, Pickles! I love pickles! I already supply my family with loads of jam (strawberry, blueberry, carrot cake, triple fruit...the list goes on and on...) I made bread and butter pickles last year and on Labor day we ate 4 jars! I hope the Randomizer smiles on me!
I would love the first book, the one about how to make jams & jellies. Canning is at the top of the list of my summer projects. Never attempted it before but determined to convert some of the season's delicious fruit and berries into something to enjoy all year!
The Joy of Pickling! I would love to start pickling and canning. I'm also getting my first CSA this year and am anticipating not being able to use everything before it goes bad, so would love to know how to preserve those yummy farm fresh goodies.
I could use a little joy of pickling in my life. I'd like to learn the tricks of the pickling trade so that I might spread some pickled joy to friends, family and colleagues. I have some jars in my kitchen that are just itching to be used. Thank you!
1. Pickling Please! I crave pickles constantly! I would love to be able to make them on my own!
2. My brother has gotten into making 'quick pickles' and seeing his success has inspired me to try my hand at it...
I am joining a CSA for the second year, and my produce drawer will runneth over! I'm crazy about spicy, sour and savory - so I'd love to learn pickling and putting up things to tie me over through the winter (and put into bloody marys year-round!)
Plus, I never remember a holiday without pickles thanks to my Grandma Kay. I'd love to contribute my own.
I would love Jams & Jellies! I've only made a few small efforts with some pickles and a chutney, but I'd really like to try some sweet preserves too.
Just joined a CSA with a berry share! so the Jams and Jellies would be fantastic!
Memories of my grandmother's canning inspired me to start canning last summer... My grandfather had a huge vegetable garden, and every season my grandma would go canning crazy. Her tomatoes and green beans were delicious...and carrots, jams, you name it. And she had a big walk-in closet in the basement that served as her canning cellar. I did some tomatoes, pickles, beets, and a jam last summer, but I'd like to keep experimenting. Would love to get hold of that Pickles book.
i love anything pickled and have never attempted pickling anything before…even though korean cuisine (my ethnicity) contains a world of pickled items, i don't know why i never tried…i want to start with your help! thank you!
Pickling, please! I picked up a used copy of Jams and Jellies yesterday. I've dabbled in canning before - mostly for tomatoes - and I'm looking to take better advantage of all types of preserving during CSA and farmer's market summer season!
I LOVE canning! I started canning a few years ago when I became a member of a CSA and flats of tomatoes became readily available to me. My roommate and I borrowed a church basement for our first year of canning and over the years, we've found our best system for canning. Though we no longer share an apartment, we've kept up the shared canning responsibilities and have canned tomatoes, ketchup, apple butter, apple sauce, pickles (and I'm hopeful to get some nice kimchi done this week). I love expanding my canning repertoire and using my pressure canner and industrial food mill mounted to my island make me feel like a real great plains granny, brooklyn edition. I'd love to win either book!
I would love the Joy of Jams, Jellies & Other Sweet Preserves. I enjoy all those things & would lo very much enjoy learning to make them. Plus I'm always too broke to buy presents for whatever occasion... it would be nice to hand someone a beautiful home-made jar of jam.
The Joy of Pickling, please! I really want to start pickling (and canning in general) because my fiance and I bought our first organic CSA share for this season and I trying to figure out how on earth we can possibly make use of all the fresh, organic produce we will be getting! We're also working to make big changes in our food consumption by cutting way back on processed food, and I think canning is a great way to make use of fresh, seasonal, local foods to keep us eating healthy all year long!
Joy of Jamming... I'm in constant search for the perfect jam or chutney that will transform my life. Somehow, that perfect one has always eluded me. I'd love to try making my own and eventually spread the love to friends as gifts during the holidays. Here's hoping!