Seeing your Facebook pages
Just before our trip last week my friend Sally over at the Improvised Life passed along a link that one of her friends shared with her. It’s a solution to how to fix this problem.
Image screenshot courtesy of original post author, Always UpwardThis infographic is a great way to start taking back your feed, by creating a different feed. You determine what goes in there. The downside is that you have to actually click on it and check it, none of that work-free, continuous-stream-of-posts that was previously and possibly the bulk of your experience of Facebook. Seems like a good trade-off to me, though. One click is worth seeing the things I’d actually care to see vs. the string of things I may or may not care to see.
An additional option toward the same goal, shared by another friend, is to add pages individually to your ‘Want to see’ (or whatever you call it) list by hovering over the page’s ‘LIKED’ box and select ‘Add to Interest Lists’, like this:
You can create the the aforementioned list of pages you want to see using this method, too.
It’s interesting that after I posted my disgruntled-with-Facebook blog post link a couple weeks back, I got an influx of readers/views on the page. The algorithm works in mysterious ways.
Facebook is a popularity contest—and I’m not leaving the scene by any means—I’m just not going to hop around and beg you to read my posts there. I’d actually rather you use your one click to come here to the blog. There’s a lot to do in front of a screen these days, so I appreciate those of you who make it here and stay even just a few minutes.

Reader Comments (5)
Thanks so much for the information! This is going to help me - I couldn't figure out why my fees was missing pages! :)
Great tip! I'll definitely be creating a feed soon.
I'd rather come here, too, and will continue to do so because THIS is where the good stuff is. xxoo
Thank you Pattyskypants! Bloghug :)
I don't have Facebook and don't plan on getting it. Facebook reminds me to much of junior high. I don't need another excuse to waste time. I appreciate the content on your blog and many others. I puffy heart love the bloggers who don't make me feel left out because I don't have Facebook.