Shuffle and shake, big news for July
I’ve been extra quiet lately, for two reasons. First off, July has been quite a month, speckled with more than I generally like to deal with in one 30-day period. Secondly, […] [I arrest you temporarily in mild suspense.]
When I received this treasure in our egg barter a couple weeks back, little did I know how much I’d need it.
My return to Austin from Alaska delivered me to a picnic in the park.
Then I got a cold (and completely forgot to post my Alaska trip recap, coming soon!) Soon after my recovery, my love landed in the hospital for a four-night stay.
A week after our patient was home, a new patient went into the hospital.
He had an IV, poor guy! (Note shaved bangle on his front leg.)
I’m pleased to report that all patients are home and back to normal. (There is a lot of sleeping to do, and he got way behind during his round-the-clock monitoring at both the day and night vet offices.)
Thankfully all the trips to the hospital managed to leave a wide berth (pardon the pun) for my birthday, which I kicked off at the Cedar Park Farmers’ Market doing a peaches canning demo.
My favorite present arrived just in time for the great okra takeover that is our cooperative garden right now.
10 liters, plus a real weight! Though I’ll still ferment small batches of veg in other smaller vessels, I’m feeling rather official in fermentation land.
This pretty much sums up my July. (Look closely.)
All shuffle and shake, moving forward and doing our best.
Thankfully, this news arrived to tip the scale. July, you’re alright.
I’m beyond excited to write the next book, The Hip Girl’s Guide to the Kitchen. There was so little room in the first book to cover how to actually kick ass in the kitchen, whether you’re jazzed to be in there (or more likely not). It will be the same look and feel of HGGH, with my team of one fabulous calligrapher + one lovely illustrator + the HarperDesign team’s good looks and charm, which are always imparted upon books in this imprint. I’m thrilled and SO lucky to be working again with my really smart editor at HarperCollins, Julia.
And, most importantly, like with the writing of HGGH, I’m going to invite myself over to as many hip people’s kitchens as possible to bring you a great collection of tips, traditions, methods and recipes. I so look forward to seeing your responses to my research and questions on the Facebook page and via Instagram and Twitter!

Reader Comments (8)
That is fantastic news! Another book you were totally meant to write. I can't wait to add it to my library. Congratulations Kate!
Congratulations, Kate! That is awesome! And you and Jo are totally invited to my kitchen anytime! I'd love to show you around!!
Congratulations, my friend! At least July ENDED on a fabulous note--I'm so happy all are healthy and well!
I'm looking forwrd to reading your new prose when it's published. Compliments to the author!
Congrats! I absolutely LOVED your first book. It was the first book that I ever found with REAL advice for a real budget. Not the pretention you find in MS Living. I expect the same from your new one! Best!
Yay! A thousand times yay!!!!
Kate! SO exciting. What fabulous news, my dear. Congratulations, and best wishes as you pull all of the details and hard work together. Can't wait to see the final product :)
Congratulations Kate! I can't wait to read your new book. I seriously need help in the kitchen.