Fall writing challenge
July brought news that book 2 is on the radar and a meeting with my editor last week confirmed my hunch. I should’ve started writing 2 or 3 months ago; my manuscript deadline is December 1.
I’m inviting anyone who has a writing project of any sort on their personal or professional radar to join me in a fall writing challenge.
Sometimes all we need is a little accountability to keep us motivated. Once a week, on Monday’s, I’ll check in on the HGGH facebook page with my word count for the previous week. I invite any fellow challengers to also share their word counts on those posts.
Personally, I’ve set out the plan to write 500 words, 5 days per week to meet my 2,500 words/week requirement to finish my manuscript on time. You’re welcome to set and share your own goals according to your writing project/plans.
This is where you’ll find me now through December 1st, though likely on my yoga ball (that chair can be tedious after an hour or so), or on the adjacent futon, feet on yoga ball. Make yourself a special space you can go to write and I bet you’ll be more inclined to do it.
Happy writing and I look forward to seeing your updates!

Reader Comments (5)
I am in. I need to write another proposal. I started then stalled. So thanks for this. I'm in.
Im ready to get going on my book also. I look forward to learning from your experience. I know the structure of the system I am sharing and will be working on getting it all wrote out. But have no Idea where to go from there. I realize this is my next step but it does scare me a bit. Thank you for posting and putting this out there and I will love to be a part of this. I do need to be more scheduled with my writing. Best of luck with your 500 words a day ;) and glad to meet you. ~Amy
This is perfect timing. I had writing goals for the summer but summer and work got in the way. Now cases of peppers loom in the way but I'm glad to have good company on a challenge! Good luck Kate and thanks for opening a little word path for us.
I was just thinking the other day that I should get back to serious work on my novel that I've never managed to really write. This could be just the kick in the pants I need. Thanks for the encouraging challenge and good luck with your new manuscript!
I am so glad that we'll be writing in solidarity this fall Bernadette, Amy, Amy H and Alia!