September quiet time
You might have noticed my disappearance as of late.
Well, in addition to a tight manuscript deadline, I’m getting married and we’re going all out, Hip Girl’s style of course.
I’m finding myself tied up lately with the essentials of earning a living (oh, reality!) and planning a large party for family and friends. I haven’t even been writing during the last two weeks toward my next book; and I’m not giving myself a hard time.
Some of you might be scratching your heads wondering…why yes, we were married with paperwork and all in New York in June. Alas, our state doesn’t recognize our marriage, but our friends and family live in (or are gladly coming to) Texas to celebrate our union. So a celebration we will have.
Earlier this week friends descended upon stacks of tissue paper piled around our house and crafted paper flowers for decorations.
We’re keeping some traditions (sharing our vows with our loved ones, feeding each other dessert), and tossing others (no wedding party besides our nephew and the dog, no dads giving anyone ‘away’; my J and I will walk down the aisle together).
Thank goodness I made the favors what feels like ages ago (thanks waterbath canning!). Fifty jars of pear butter from the harvest bestowed upon me by a class attendee whose mom has a pear tree in Houston.
I’m most excited about designing and creating my bouquet, and, at some point, writing about how to have a wedding that feels more like the two people actually involved and not so much every wedded person in the history of land rights and dowries.

Reader Comments (8)
Yay! Congratulations to you both! We hope to see a few pictures of the big event - when you have time - of course! :)
Congratulations! the making part of a handmade wedding can be such a forever kind of memory.
I've been hearing little bits here and there about a wedding and I'm so happy for you! I've just gone through two of my own (well, one wedding and two receptions - one in Indiana and one in New York) and I don't envy you the work, especially when our first was totally rained out and the second one very nearly was. Thank goodness for great family and friends who stepped up to give us a great day to remember! Here's to an absolutely gorgeous Wedding 2.0 for your Texas friends and family to witness. Cheers!
How wonderful! I hope you and J. have a wonderful wedding filled with love and light. May the new year bring an end to the laws that keep you and the love of your life's marriage from being recognized.
Yay!!! So happy for you two!
So Happy for you Congrats
It's fantastic to have your family and friends gather together to celebrate your love and your future together.
I'm so pleased for you both.
I clicked on your category "knot tying", thinking there would be more about the wedding. But it was a post about...actual tying of knots. That would only happen on this blog :)
Congratulations! All the best to you in the coming months.