Holiday gift giving guide
Gift season is upon us again and I’m sharing with you a round-up of a few cool ideas for creative gifting this year.
1. Custom poems from vintage typewriters. My pals started Typewriter Rodeo for the love of word-slinging and they’d love to write you a poem for a friend, co-worker or loved one. You just give them a word, idea, theme or thought and they make magic and will mail it to you so you can gift it. They just extended their deadline for requests to Wednesday this week; get in on this! (I type with them periodically and love crafting poems on the spot, like this one below about nachos.)
photo courtesy of Jo Ann Santangelo
2. Make something out of winter’s citrus peel bounty. Here’s my round-up of ideas of all-the-things you can do with citrus trash, most of which are quite giftable and not too time consuming.
3. Awe local friends and family with a certificate for a meal or monthly project CSA of sorts, where you’ll bring them something you made once a month, like ginger beer or a squash soup dinner and share it with them. Sharing food with friends and family on a regular basis is a gift that gives more than simply meeting just practical food needs or fancy desires, it’s a way to share in the fun part, the actual sharing.
4. Ahem, well, I have another book out this year, one that’s just waiting for your friend’s name to be inscribed in it, plus a handful of pickle and kitchen empowerment paraphernalia. Check out the goods here.
For more giftacular ideas, check out previous years’ posts here and here, or waaay back here. For more ideas and inspiration check out the tag from this blog entitled Creative Gifts.

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