Hip Girl's Guide to the Kitchen book tour events in the PNW
Hello friends in Washington and Oregon, I’m so excited to share with you my new book, which hits stores and mailboxes on May 20. Join me in your area at one of the following events:
June 21 – Portland, OR: Visit me for a small-batch fermentation demo at the Beaverton Farmers Market, 9a-1p
June 22 – Seattle, WA: Canning with Kids. Join us for a hands-on strawberry jam workshop where you and your child will learn small-batch home food preserving you can do as a family. The class also covers tips for preparing seasonal fruits and vegetables safely and easily with the water bath canning method. Book Larder 10a-noon, details and registration here
June 23 – Seattle, WA: Book signing and discussion at the Book Larder, 6:30pm
June 24 – Portland, OR: PDX Food Swappers’ Evening with Kate Payne, Opal 28, 510 NE 28th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232, 6-9pm
June 25 – Portland, OR: Annie Bloom’s Books, 7:00pm
View all of my events here.

Reader Comments (1)
LOVED the book preview on your Facebook page and can't wait to see the rest! Way to go - it looks fabulous!