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Green your cleaning supplies: giveaway from MightyNest

As many of you already know, I don’t think you need a bunch of products to keep your house clean. In fact, some bubble, baking soda, vinegar and/or enzymes, and a bit of extra friction is really all you need. There’s nothing in your house so dirty as to warrant the use of toxic chemicals (yes, even the bathroom). Cleaning house is supposed to leave your space, well, clean, not emanating with fumes, vapors, VOCs, aka the bad kind of chemical cocktails. I grew up under the belief system that included the smell of bleach as a signal of clean, and unlearning that and converting my mom by showing how bleach and products that contain it, leaves residues, organochlorides that are residual and serve as neurotoxins. To learn more about why ditching the other heavy hitters in your cleaning supplies cabinet, read chapter 5 in my home book.

I’m happy to partner with MightyNest again this year to spread the word on their green cleaning brands and great products that help get the job done. Mighty Nest is generously offering up $100 worth of green cleaning supplies + $100 cash donation to the winner’s school of choice (selected via your entry using the widget). Support your local school and ditch the chemical cocktail in your spring air, yes please!

I selected a prize pack this year for my home based on my simple-is-best guideline and general versatility of products in making additional cleaning supplies. Check out my post from last year for a few great DIY cleaning formulas plus my staple cleaning supplies (all of which you can find at MightyNest). This post has some great, simple formulas for DIY laundry and non-toxic disinfecting.

These are my own personal picks; the winner will be able to select their own personal array of up to $100 in green cleaning products from MightyNest.

Dish zone just got a makeover! You already know how much I love the Full Circle Dishcloths, I order a new set every few months and cycle the hole-y ones to the rag bin. This is a new brand of dishsoap for us and the Bubble Up Dispenser and Brush was a hit over Easter when my dad, a serial soap user, was able to get suds over and over again from the same squirt of soap with a little water added to the base.

I’m a vinegar/water spray bottle kind of gal for my all-purpose cleaning, so this Branch Basics all-purpose concentrate is an upgrade for sure. I rarely take the time any more to make a power-packed all purpose cleaner from a pure soap (like castile) and my homemade citrus enzyme, and this concentrate makes a zillion spraybottles’ worth of a powerful pure soap + enzymes that you can use safely on your face or to clean your baby, or a gunky table.

Our house is full of wood, from floors to shelves) and though I have a few notes of DIY wood cleaners to try, I haven’t made any of them yet. (I’m a lazy DIY cleaner and usually just use water or a vinegar water spray for dusting the wood; to my credit, I do use oil on the cutting boards once a month.) I’m happy to report that I love the ease and simplicity of this Cinnamon & Lavender Wood Polish. My house full o’ wood is looking very pleased by my switch from just dusting to actually polishing, and, recalling my last time actually polishing, this is such a nice change from the lemon’y Pledge aerosol bottle of my youth chore list.

My love affair with powdery scrubs and brushes that get the job done continues. I feel like it’s a soothing bath soak (vs. choretime) when using this Sink into your Bliss scrub. This brush, another Full Circle product, is a gem, perfect fit in the hand and dries out easily.

Entries accepted until April 24, enter via the widget below.

Disclosures: MightyNest sent me this kit for review free of charge. I was not paid to say anything nice about this stuff. Opinions are my own. There are affiliate links above when I refer to my book, where I may make a small commission if you purchase the book via those links.

Reader Comments (5)

Thank you for sharing. I used to make cleaning solutions by myself , but I don;t have enough time for that now. Thank you for this review.I'll try these.

May 11, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

I'm the same way. I think there are enough all purpose cleaners for us to use and we don't have to buy a dozen of toxic ones. They might be efficient but it's really about how lazy we are. Natural cleaning is much better even if we have to scrub a little more. Health is happiness after all :) Thank you for the great article I really enjoyed reading it.

May 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterElinore

This Article is as helpful for me as I got to know so many things what to do or not to do with these organic products and how beneficial they are for us. Really pleased after reading this Article.

July 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAvery Morrison

I am making my own cleaning sprays, but sometimes it's really tiring and taking time. So it's good to have some back up plan when I am running out of time. Thanks for sharing

October 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLatoya Parsons

Very nice post! I use only natural cleaners and mainly I use homemade cleaners. Baking soda, vinegar and salt are great cleaners and I most of the time am able to clean everything using them! I am considering trying Branch Basics, though as I heard great stuff about the brand! Thank you for the post! :)

October 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn Simmons

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