Lacto-fermented carrot ginger slaw
Try this health-promoting, live-cultured fermented slaw with your next stash of extra carrots.
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Try this health-promoting, live-cultured fermented slaw with your next stash of extra carrots.
What struck me about mustard making was not really the simplicity, but the opportunity to turn the by-product—vinegar and white wine soaked garlic and onions—into something else we might consume. I opted for the route I usually travel with odds & ends of spare or wilty veg: soup!
I grew up eating cinnamon rolls on special occasions, like Christmas and New Years. Nothing fancy, just the ones that came in the cardboard tube you crack open, plop in a pan and bake. Here’s my answer to that memory.
An easy, gluten-allergy friendly and actually much better version of the canned onions of our youth.