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Book tour: segment 11!

This post marks the start of my fall greenmarket tour, a lucky-for-me manifestation of an idea my editor had in the spring combined with my greedy-jelly-maker’s hopes for working with concord grapes again this year. Last Thursday I began 16 days on the road, starting with New York City’s greenmarkets and then moving along up the Northeast region to the Coventry Regional Farmers’ Market in Connecticut.

Friday found me at Union Square’s bustling market. I had fine helpers to keep me company, including Tamara of Forking Fantastic/Sunday Night Dinner fame and Liz of Raganella’s Botanical Solutions (great non-toxic body care products!).

Notice the ‘hip trick’ in action. Making a cute table out of a milk crate and pretty cloth.

Saturday I spread the word about small-batch, beginner-friendly fermentation techniques at Greenpoint’s McCarren Park Greenmarket.

While in the city I also took some time to appreciate the things that have always brought me pause on the sidewalks of Brooklyn.

And I had the great fun of hanging with fellow poet and gluten-free lady, Autumn, of Autumn Makes and Does. We laughed over the fact that we were wearing nearly the same outfit, pretty print dresses and cowgirl boots and then compared kitchen journals!

When my hosts came home that evening, I bartered with my friend for one of his fab belts. A book and yogurt-making/straining lesson in exchange for one of these lovelies. I clearly got an excellent deal.

Driving out of the city later that evening afforded me a spectacular view. (Traffic on the Whitestone Bridge allowed me to safely snap this shot.)

The next morning I was welcomed at the Coventry Regional Farmers’ Market food swap.

Later on I set up my demo booth and showed market browsers how to make dill pickled green beans sans canner pot. Midway through the day I had to get more books out of the trunk; thanks Coventry for such a rockin’ day!

After the market, Kate of Snowflake Kitchen hosted a few folks at her house for a potluck and meet and greet. It was a pleasure getting to spend time with hip local folks and good friends from Upstate NY who made the journey. Kate’s spread was delicious and rather photogenic.

Amaretto cherry soda, with home-canned cherries/syrup in seltzer. Slurp!

My evening drive to Massachusetts was charmed. I foresee a train of sunsets to populate the next few tour posts.

That night I pulled into Northampton, MA, at my friends’ house where I’m staying, and discovered a four-course meal and two new friends awaiting me. She got up that morning before work and made creme brulee. It was fun to torch our desserts with her friend’s welding tool!

Stay tuned for the next installment covering Northampton events!

Reader Comments (1)

It was a pleasure to meet you and have the time to chat! Thank you for such wonderful insight into finding our own personal perfection at home!! I cannot wit for the next book!

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTricia Millix

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