Hilah Cooking 'Learn to Cook' ebook giveaway
My friend Hilah is hiiiilah-rious. (Okay, that was pretty bad, I know.) But, it’s true.
She sent me her ebook a few weeks ago when it launched and I immediately fell in love with her style. Hell, we always have a blast when we’re hanging out in person, so it comes as no surprise that her book is friendly, inviting, conversational and downright funny. I asked her if I might share a copy of her book with my readers; I’m so glad she agreed!
Here’s a sampling of some of the parts and things I liked most from this ebook:
- This is perfect for guys or gals who need the 101 version of cooking, but don’t want to be talked to like they’re an idiot. She helps take some of the pressure out of learning to cook, an often stressful time for folks still unsure in their kitchens.
- Great (and true) insights on modern life and cookery, like this: “I read somewhere that one of the top five reasons people don’t cook is because they don’t have a properly equipped kitchen. I think what this really means is that lots of people have been tricked by Crate and Barrel catalogs into thinking that they need a bunch of junk in their kitchen to make it work.”
- Knife sharpening photos and an informative, but not overwhelming how-to!
- A fabulous spices chart that even includes ideas for what you might substitute a particular spice if, say, you can’t find it anywhere and feel stuck.
- A whole section devoted to ‘how to grocery shop’ followed by ever-practical sections on ‘how to cut things up’ conveniently divided into plants and animals categories.
- Workday breakfast ideas and recipes!
- You get special access to videos where Hilah is doing all the things she writes about in the book. Score for these fun, one-on-one tutorials whenever you need ‘em.
- Um, this has nothing to do with Learn to Cook specifically, but her previous book is devoted to breakfast tacos (my FAVOURITE food. Ever.)
- I. could. go. on. (and on…)
She came over before I left for my fall tour and we made fridge pickles together. Check it out!
Enter the giveaway (either for yourself or to win this as a gift for someone) and win a free copy of this ebook by leaving a comment on this post telling us the most game-changing, basic kitchen skill you learned or hope to learn! Entries will close at midnight CST on Thursday, September 29.
Plus, super-cool technology allows entries from anywhere on the globe because this is an ebook and all you need is internet access and an email address. That said, you won’t win if you forget to put your email address in the slot on the comment form that asks for it because I won’t be able to get in touch with you to let you know you won.
Note: This ebook is not for the faint of heart when it comes to vocabulary, i.e. I’m talking about the marginally few people who weren’t keen on light, infrequent cussing in my own book; don’t enter.

And the winner is…Liz S.
Thanks all for playing!
Reader Comments (60)
biggest game changer for me was when i learned what a sharp knife was after using whatever dull as knife i could find (thinking it was sharp).
Cooking with dry grains. It my be a small feat, but it has opened many doors. (No more instant oatmeal)
Probably learning how easy it is to make pie crust with a food processor. Pie for breakfast? Sure! Just give me a sec...
Learning how to use a knife properly! I cringe when I see other most people wielding a chef's knife...I'm worried they're either going to chop off their fingers or totally mangle the food they are cutting.
The day I learned to use and sharpen a knife. My hands have since thanked me.
The biggest game changer for me was taking a class in college that included a cooking lab. It was a requirement for my major, and certainly wasn't totally necessary as I could've taught myself, too, but it really helped! Those knife skills have been key since. As has the mac and cheese recipe we learned!
about using sharp knives. Now I need to learn how to sharpen, so I don't have to keep asking hubby to do it!
Learning how to use a knife correctly. I am still learning but it makes it easier and safer to prep food when you know how to hold the knife and the food you are cutting! I never there were better ways until I started watching online cooking videos.
I need to learn how to sharpen my knives. We just got nice ones as a wedding present and the sharpener scares me!
A perfectly moist, juice and crisp pan-fried chicken breast. And pie crust. too!
I'm 20 years old and living on my own for the first time! With this recent change, I've discovered that my cooking abilities are limited to turkey sandwiches & cheerios. As delicious as these meals are, I really need to learn some other skills! I think the biggest game changer for me would be using heat other than the microwave to prepare meals (I realize that this sounds very typical college student, but I'm just being honest). I've already begun to use some of Kate's other hip homemaking strategies, so I think cooking is next!
When I figured out all the OTHER uses for jars besides canning! ...Storing salad, steel cut oats over night, soup container for work.... :)
Biggest game-changer = saying "I can do this." Didn't even try until I got to that step.
I learned my way around a kitchen at an early age. Thanks, Mom! The best skill I learned was how to make jam. My family hasn't eaten "store bought" jam in years. And it is the bulk of my Christmas giving!
I'm in the "hope to learn" category - and actually, what I'm hoping to learn is that my husband *CAN* cook decent meals for us as I am recovering from childbirth in a few weeks!
Learning how to prep a butternut squash in order to bake bread really was a game changer in the kitchen for me...and who knew butternut squash bread could taste so good!!!
The game changer for me was when we got a high-quality blender for "green" smoothies. We got a Vitamixer which can handle fruits and veggies amazingly well. Now I blend about 60% veggies with 40% fruit and drink a green smoothie a couple of times a week. I LOVE this drink and I haven't had a cold since I've been doing this (almost two years now).
Fresh herbs were the biggest game changer for me. It's amazing how much they can elevate an otherwise simple dish.
My game changer was being able to chop veg. Homogeneous sizes make the end outcome much tastier and less crunchy and soft!
This book sounds like it has something to offer every cook! I'm always open to new ideas if someone has a better way than I do!! Thanks!!
Learning how to make pie crust and pizza dough in my food processor has taken all the scary out of it and so we eat more of both now! Yum
I need to learn!
My most recent revelation is canning. I've tried it for the first time this year and now I'm addicted.
Learning how to bake bread. Not so much for the bread, though it's seriously tasty, but learning how to bake bread taught me that I can do damn near anything in the kitchen if I really decide I want to do it.
My game changer was learning how to quickly and evenly cut an onion.