One Simple Change: book giveaway
From the moment I received Winnie’s book, I knew it was love. What a sweet structure to help people make big changes in their lives, one simple task at a time.
My dad came to town a few weeks ago and he sat and read the book for an hour. He and I occasionally talk about sugars and safe substitutes, what’s most important to focus on for him (he has struggled with maintaining his weight loss), and this book is like a pocket reference for the talks we’ve had.
I want to buy this book for all the friends/family members who express making a change in their lives, fixing something that’s just not working for them. I really appreciate how it’s written and structured as a tangible thing someone can take away and reflect on each week (with 2 weeks off during the year). There are 50 two- to three-page chapters that feature research-based advice surrounding holistic health, wellness, and psyche promoting actions and changes you can make right now.
Winnie’s ideas are a great place to start in understanding all the conflicting research out there (much of which is big ag/industry-funded). The suggestions for changes are not presented in a judgmental fashion, but are meant to get you started and to help you make choices that work for you and your lifestyle. The thing about changes that have a lasting impact on your life is that you must start somewhere, one simple change.
Be sure to check out Winnie’s blog, Healthy Green Kitchen, for great, health-promoting recipes!
Important note: U.S. & Canada entrants only please per the publisher’s shipping preferences. Also, be sure to enter by using an email you actually check and check your spam folder in the days following the giveaway’s close. I’ve had to move on to other winners in recent giveaways because the first winners never responded.
Disclosures: Chronicle Books sent me a review copy at no cost, and, if you purchase via Amazon any of the linked titles from this post, a fraction of the purchase will be magically deposited into my bank account. These affiliate accounts help me to continue to run this site. Opinions and views are my own.

Reader Comments (19)
The simple change I have made is to consume more probiotic foods. Fermenting foods has become a craft to me and I love it. Our whole family enjoys everything I have made and I have been able to share several different kinds of cultures with family and friends. I love it and it is such a community, so there is lots of support to keep going and keep experimenting which is awesome!
Writing about your dad really resonated with me; my dad needs to lose weight, and keep it off, too. But I can understand it's hard when you've been eating a certain way your whole life. It's hard for me too!
I recently The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. The crux seems to be that the mindfulness required to change just one thing in our lives spills over to create change in other areas. Cultivating mindfulness is the key.
I am trying to visit the farmer's market more often. While there, I look for the most interesting or unusal fruit or veggie I can find. It is a starting point for learning about that ingredient, seaching for recipes, cooking and trying it out with my family. It makes trying new foods an adventure and a mental challenge, while getting some active outside time, and supporting local growers.
The simple change I have made is using glass jars for most all storage needs, etc!!
Before the book was freely available, I scoured my local/indie bookshops for a copy and was unable to find one. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention once again. Despite my attendance to four classes at my local Core5, I've managed to GAIN weight. Though I'm contributing it to muscle gain, my eating habits are coming back into play. I know the basics of changing my diet, but it's just so incredibly difficult to do all at once. One simple change. Gotta be my new mantra!
We made the decision, as a family, to stop using paper towels. What a great change!
I've started making my own milk and water kefir. It's addicting, good for me, and best of all...yummy!
This book sounds great! One of the changes I've made in my life is to get all the extra clutter out of our house--or as much as I can! It's an ongoing process. :) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
The biggest change and by far, the easiest change I made was actually 36 years ago. I decided I would not eat or wear animals anymore. I finally found the honesty in myself. I haven't looked back and don't miss either.
I started a few years back making as much of my own "stuff" as possible. Part of it was for cost savings, but I was really happy to lose some of the processed stuff. So far I make our own breadcrumbs, yogurt, salad dressings, fruit purees, etc. Every month or so, I learn something new :)
I make my own fruit on the bottom yogurt in 8oz mason jars using soft set low sugar jams that I make myself. I am not making the yogurt yet, but it is up for discussion. I get huge tubs of yogurt though instead of a lot of small single serving ones. My goal was to reduce the sugar in my morning routine and create less plastic waste from my yogurt habit. I also make my own granola in an attempt to reduce the sugar.
I joined a CSA and try to eat whole foods in season (or from the freezer) most of the time.
One simple change we've made lately is that when my husband and I tell each other "I love you" we have to add "because...". It's made both of us more appreciative of each other and feel more loved when we have to be specific about our I love you's.
I've started drinking a glass of water with a few drops of lemon essential oil every morning when I wake up. It really helps kickstart my body and my day!
I have cut out processed foods. Whole foods are way more healthy. I also go local and seasonal. Thanks for the chance to win!
A simple change I am *working on* is trying to cook more everyday- I enjoy finding new recipes to try and gaining inspiration from blogs, magazines, etc., but rarely do I actually follow through and take the time to cook or bake something I find. I am hoping this will push me outside of my comfort zone and help me to try new things and be more adventurous!
Several things are working but one that really stands out for me is to stop using disposables. I bring my lunch to work in reusable containers, I bring my own silverware, we have always used cloth napkins, dish towels and hand towels, but we are bit by bit eliminating disposable paper and plastic products. It feels good.
my most recent simple change is going to be by 10pm - now I'm consistently awake before my 6am alarm instead of overly tired all day!