Tattler BPA-free canning lids giveaway
This is the season of giveaways here at HGGH. Don’t forget to enter to win Ashley English’s Pie book (before Aug 27!).
After hearing great reviews from friends and fellow bloggers, I’m excited to work with Tattler and share these lids with you. I received two packages of lids earlier this year, one wide-mouth and one regular-mouth, and have been using them for the past few months with much success.
The method for using these lids is just about the same as using the other one piece lids, with a few slight changes due to the non-metallic nature of them (i.e. no lid lifters!)
I found that wearing my handy gloves and using tongs solved the issues. Gloves are definitely not required, but you’ll need to fit the rubber ring onto the grooves of the white lid before placing it on the jar and you simmer the lid and rubber ring, as you do with regular lids, prior to sealing so they might be warm upon fishing them out of the water.
It’s also a good idea to stick the rubber rings sandwiched between each of the lids for ease in fishing them out, otherwise you end up with a clump of rings stuck together on the bottom of the pot.
The only other major difference between these lids and regular metal lids is that you need to tighten the metal bands after the jars come out of the waterbath or pressure canner to ensure a seal.
Exchanging pings for a BPA-free canned good is a good trade off in my book.
For more information on BPA in canning, Linda Ziedrich wrote on her blog a fine post detailing the issues at hand with and how to avoid BPA-tainting your home canned goods. Read up on minimizing your exposure in general and some things to avoid when using regular canning lids.
Ordering directly from Tattler means you’ll likely end up with way more lids than you had in mind. Many retailers are starting to carry them, but consider pulling together a group order if you can’t find them near you. Splitting a case with 10 people is a great way to save money and spread the BPA-free love.
Since I’m sending them to you myself, I have to restrict to US & Canada only. Sorry international loves. Please enter by September 6, midnight CST by leaving a comment below telling me about what foods in jars you hope to put a lid on this fall.

Thanks everyone for your patience. Out of 265 eligible entries, Random.org selected lucky number 169!
Congrats to Deb N of Daytona Beach, FL, the proud new owner of two packages of Tattler reuseable canning lids.
Reader Comments (266)
More tomatoes as they come out of my garden, and applesauce soon. Oh and maybe some pressure canned corn. Thanks for the give away! I love these lids!
I want to do Apple Butter! I just finished a batch of tomato jam this morning! YUM: )
applesauce is next
The last lid just sealed on my days labor -- 14 pints and 5 quarts of tomato salsa + 3 quarts of pears in apple juice. Next on the list are jalapenos from the garden and pickles beets. I have been considering the reusable lids for sometime. Excited to see you are giving some away.
I still need to can my abundance of tomatoes. I also plan to make and can applesauce, salsa, and raspberry jalapeno jam yet this fall.
I am dying for the peaches/pears/apples to become rip enough to pick here in Maine!!! Apple and peach pie filling, peaches and pears in syrup..and of course Apple Sauce!!! YUMMY I make so much, because I use it instead of oil in cakes/sweets...
thanks for the give away
I'll be canning more tomatoes since my plants are still going bonkers!! If I get some good apples, I'll make some apple butter. I'd love to try these lids; thanks for the opportunity.
Pepper jelly for the holidays, jams, pickles, and soups for the Fall. :)
My mom always made peach jam in the summer - if it is too late for peaches, I would love to make any kind of jam this Fall!
I have quite the list of things I plan on preserving this fall....green tomato chutney, mint jelly, rosemary jelly, tomato lemon marmalade, carrot cake jam and apple pie jam to name a few. I love trying new recipes and giving preserves as gifts! So much fun!
I loooove canning!! I have already done 14 pints each of green & yellow beans, 14 pints of peaches, 4 quarts + 1 pint of potatoes for my hubby's next work season, next is something with apples off my tree and possibly seasoned carrots & salsa :-)
Lots of tomatoes!!!!!!
Applesauce, peaches, jam, bbq sauce, and for the first time, pickles!
Tomato jam! We've already eaten the batch I made earlier this summer.
Tons and tons of applesauce!
I am hoping to can some cherry jam and preserves this very soon along with sliced apples we have harvested from our trees.
Blackberry jam (from blackberries picked at my parents' house), applesauce (with apples from the u-pick orchard), and pumpkin puree (from pumpkins grown in our own garden). We have already canned salsa made with tomatoes, peppers, and onions from our own garden. I have been wanting to try the Tattler lids! Thanks for your great posts!!
I plan on canning apple pie filling, vegetable soup, jalapeno jelly, bar-b-que sauce, peaches, pears, applesauce, and zucchini relish.
I am knee deep in tomatoes that I want to can for the coming winter months as well as apples. However, the apple harvest in NY is thumbs down due to this crazy weather we've had this year. Ah well.
Let's see...where to begin this is where the fun begins!
I would love to can this fall...
-apple sauce
-beef stew
-split pea soup
That's the usual list...then there just may be a few extras if I find some recipes that tickle my curiosity!
Candied pickles! Yum!
I'm brand, spankin new to canning- and I'm staring at square one: the formidable TOMATO (or rather, THOUSAND tomatoeS- plural ;).
And there's nothing like trying something new!
This has been a wonderful summer for eggplant and peppers in my garden so I'll be canning roasted sweet peppers with balsamic and roasted marinated eggplant in oil. I usually make one batch of each and we eat them fast. This year I hope to make enough to eat them when there is snow on the ground.