Lacto-fermented carrot ginger slaw
Try this health-promoting, live-cultured fermented slaw with your next stash of extra carrots.
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Try this health-promoting, live-cultured fermented slaw with your next stash of extra carrots.
The early season loquats are in here in Austin TX. Various trees around town are heavy with ripe, sweet fruit.
What struck me about mustard making was not really the simplicity, but the opportunity to turn the by-product—vinegar and white wine soaked garlic and onions—into something else we might consume. I opted for the route I usually travel with odds & ends of spare or wilty veg: soup!
My Canbassadorship with Washington State’s Fruit Commission yielded a couple lovely stonefruit projects again this year, including a recipe for nectarine salsa.
I’m bringing up the tail for Drink Week with a break from my friends’ delicious boozy summer fun. This is a fermented tonic, good for your belly. Good also for marinades, salad dressings, a fridge pickle or anywhere else you’d splash some vinegar.